Wednesday, March 15, 2017

End of Winter Garden Updates

Spring is just a week away, but it feels like it's already here. Suddenly, the winter gloom has lifted, skies are clear every day, and it's been in the 50's and 60's. For those of you that don't live where the ground freezes hard for a couple months out of the year, that will sound cold, but here... it's glorious! 

I love this time of year. A lot is happening around here garden wise, so I want to take a second to give you a quick update on what's happening as winter ends. 

1. The Indoor Seedlings

All the seedlings I started indoor got big enough that I needed to put them in little pots. I planted them in styrofoam cups so they can stretch their legs! I've set them all in a large clear tub, and they sit in front of our large sliding glass door, and also have the grow light. Lots of sun for these babies!

This picture was taken 5 days ago, and they're already a lot bigger now. I think they like the extra leg room. I also had to thin them out, and that is always kind of hard for me. Are you like me with thinning? I always feel so guilty uprooting perfectly healthy seedlings, even though I know it's a necessary evil!

Tomato and pepper seedlings under a grow light //
Tomato and pepper seedlings under a grow light //
The casualties of thinning seedlings //

2. The Mini Greenhouse Veggies

It's been so nice outside, I've been letting the lettuce and radishes soak up unfiltered sun. It's almost warm enough to leave them out all night, too. Also, I noticed some little radish bulbs forming! It's been slooooooow going because they froze a lot in the harsh cold nights. They might never bulb out because of their harsh start, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

It's pretty much to the point now where I can just grow them outside, so it was a fun experiment even if it doesn't work out. Who knows, maybe the greenhouse will be better utilized only in spring and late fall, and bypassed in the dead of winter. 

Either way, it was fun to try, and also to heat it with my hair dryer. 

Radish and lettuce seedlings //

3. The Front Bed

The only in-ground garden space I have is the patch in front of my house. We are restricted to mostly just the HOA-installed landscape plants, and any flowers we want to throw in. It's sad because I really want to plant veggies there, too. However, it's a beautiful strip that is full of action right now! The ground is thawing, so the daffodil and tulip bulbs have started coming up. Also, I found a pleasant little surprise! 

My potted primroses looked dead when last summer came, so, for fun, I planted them in the bed. They looked like they were dwindling into compost all throughout the summer, so I was positive they wouldn't make it. I also heard they are perennials in warmer climates, but in my zone 6 garden, I should not expect them to survive the hard freeze. 

It looks like these little plants are fighters, because I see blooms appearing! I'm so excited. I may just go buy some more and try my luck again! 

Primrose and spring bulbs waking up for the season //
A primrose waking up from the winter freeze //

4. Front Porch Pots

My pots on the front porch finally thawed out as well, and I have cleaned them out to get ready for some spring flowers. 

Plant pots and garden gloves //

++ What's happening in your garden right now? 

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