Monday, January 9, 2017

2017: The Year of Persistence

I rarely do specific new year's resolutions. To me it's a little silly to wait until January 1 to start a new idea. If you have a goal, just start today. But, one thing I like to do, is keep a mentality for the year. Last year, I listed my mentality for the year as the word Gain.

Was I successful in this mentality?

If you look back at everything that happened, yes.

  • I gained knowledge in what to do when your garden plants fail, get sick, get scorched, die, or don't produce. 
  • I gained more experience at work, and am adding more tasks to my resume.
  • I'm teaching myself a valuable skill for future career moves.
  • I have been working out and focusing on proper eating and supplements to help in gaining my strength, health, and mental health back.
  • I've started minimizing my belongings and gaining more space and peace in the removal of them.  

I feel like the bulk of the year I was stagnant or going in reverse, and then suddenly everything exploded into a big pile of learning. I hope to continue this momentum throughout the upcoming year. My main focus is to keep doing what I am doing. I'm very happy on this path, and I hope to see it through as the year goes on.

So, 2017, I dub thee the year of the word Persist.

++ What are you focusing on for 2017? 

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  1. Persist is an awesome word for a year. Kind of reminds me of a time when my family was up against some really hard stuff, and my Dad developed a habit of randomly shouting "Press on!" --and that became a sort of battle cry for our family at that time, one that we all remember to this day, and still might shout "Press on!" when we're facing times that need persistence and avoidance of giving up!

    1. Oh my gosh, I love your Dad. That seems like such a great way to motivate your family, and be a great example for perseverance. Thank you for sharing!


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